1st Grade Students Reach Milestone in Hebrew Learning

First grade students celebrated a big milestone they reached in Hebrew class - completing their first book of Ariot in the iTaLAM curriculum, which teaches them to read and write Hebrew letters! 

Using their newly mastered Hebrew skills, students celebrated their learning by applying their knowledge to a series of exciting and interactive Hebrew activities. They will continue to build upon their Hebrew language skills as they begin their next book. 

The dual-language experience at Perelman helps children navigate a world where it is critical to communicate, work, and co-exist across borders – giving our students an edge in an increasingly competitive academic and professional environment.

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Forman Center

Kindergarten - Grade 5  •  7601 Old York Road, Melrose Park, PA 19027  •  215-635-3130

Stern Center

PreK - Grade 5 and Administrative Offices  •  49 Haverford Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096  •  610-658-2518